Edgar Degas Music Box

Tune Choice

Degas Music Box / Jewelry Box Featuring his Beautiful 1897 Pastel "In the Dance Studio"

  • 8"L x 6"W x 2.5"H
  • Wood Grain Finish
  • Velvet Lined
  • Padded Feet
  • 18 Note Sankyo Musical Movement
  • Your Choice of Tunes

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This lovely Degas ballerina music box features the colorful pastel "In the Dance Studio" done in 1897. This work reflects the impressionistic style which Degas adopted later in his career and unlike his earlier works, Degas used bright colors and bold strokes which suggest movement.

Our musical Degas music boxes make great art gift ideas and are perfect for anyone who loves Degas or Dance. They come in a wrappable box and can be ordered with your choice of greeting cards. Check out our Degas ballerina jewelry, tote bags, umbrellas and other ballerina gift ideas too!

Edgar Degas
Edgar Degas was born in 1834 in Paris France to a wealthy family. Rejecting his father's wishes for become a lawyer, he went to Italy in 1854 to study the art of the masters. His paintings were exhibited at the Paris Salon beginning in 1865 but attracted little attention until he transitioned to more contemporary subjects. Although he is considered one of the founders of impressionism, he did not identify himself with other impressionists of his time and always painted indoors due to poor eyesight and sensitivity to light. Dancer on Stage with a Bouquet was created in 1876 and is a pastel on paper. It is one of his many works featuring ballet dancers, a favorite subject, and one which he is most famous for. In his later years he turned to sculpture because of his failing eyesight and produced over 150 wax images including his famous The Little Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer. Degas died in Paris in 1917 at the age of 83.